Noah Boyd – Freshman Fish
Noah Boyd was the only freshman to make it to the state swim meet in Knoxville, Tennessee.
“I’m pretty honored that I was able to be the only freshman to go. State is a really big deal when it comes to swimming. Most people in my division don’t make state, so I was really honored I was able to do that,” stated Boyd. Although Boyd did not make it to nationals, he knows how he could improve to make it next year.
“To get to nationals, what I would really need to do is work out a bit more, get more muscle mass, and work on my technique. As a senior, if possible, my goal is to get to the 2020 Olympics. If that [doesn’t] happen, then I would at least like to go to nationals,” stated Boyd.
As a freshman, Boyd has time to improve in the next three years of his high school career.
“For my season personally, I feel like I’ve done very well. My goal was to make state, and I was able to do that at least. I was also able to drop some time and go to a couple other swim meets,” stated Boyd.
Boyd plans to swim for Blackman till he graduates and for many years professionally after that.
“Oh, yeah, I really love swimming. I really like racing to begin with, so it’s just a fun sport to me,” said Boyd.
Boyd’s realization of his accomplishments hit him while he was in the pool at state.
“Once I got into the UTK facility for the state swim meet . . . and actually got into the pool, it just kind of dawned upon me like what I’ve actually done,” stated Boyd. As most young athletes do, Boyd has a professional role model.
“I would compare myself to Ryan Lochte because he is a back stroke like me. I just look up to him with his times and everything like that,” said Boyd.
Boyd surprised his teammates, coaches, parents, and some of the Blackman High students with his record setting times in the pool.