New Teachers in the Know: Nickolas Martinez

“Don’t trust atoms. They make up everything.”

This is a joke that Mr. Martinez would easily understand. One of the many new teachers here to guide students on the path to education and success, Martinez teaches chemistry down in the F-hall. Despite it being his first year at Blackman, Mr. Martinez is very enthusiastic about his job.

“It’s great. It is literally the best place in the world,” he stated.

It is Martinez’s inherent enthusiasm that fuels his passion for teaching, especially the sciences.

“My goal is that everyone in the world becomes a scientist, or at least thinks like one.”

Given this line of thinking, it comes as no surprise that science was also his favorite subject as a kid. He stated that he “liked it all” growing up.

On the other end, however, when not thinking about atoms, formulas, compounds, and mixtures, Martinez enjoys a life of his own. His hobbies include playing and practicing the piano and guitar, reading medical journals, and playing with his son. He also enjoys skateboarding.

It is no doubt that the Blackman faculty and staff is more than happy to welcome yet another bright mind into its circle. It is with the utmost sincerity that the Blackman family wishes Mr. Martinez a fruitful and successful stay here at this school.