Journalism Camp Offered at BHS in July
Cost: $60
Schedule: Tuesday-Thursday, July 19-22 from 9:00-2:30
Please bring a sack lunch daily. Snacks will be provided.
Guest Speaker:
Tyler Whetstone, political reporter for The Jackson Sun, is a 2010 graduate of Blackman High School. He served on The Blackman Voice staff for four years, his last year as editor-in-chief. He also was an established member of TrevEchoes at Trevecca, spending two of his years as editor-in-chief and a semester as an intern for The Daily Caller in Washington, D.C.
Classes and Labs:
All classes and labs will be taught by our adviser, Lois Walker, or editorial staff members.
Brinley Hineman, a former Voice staff member who is majoring in Communications at MTSU, will serve as assistant adviser for the camp.
Classes Offered:
1) Ethics and Other Qualities of a Good Reporter and Photographer
2) On Interviewing and Questioning— Your story will only be as good as your preparation.
3) News Writing – What does a strong news story need? How do I keep my opinion out of the article? Who do I Interview?
4) Sports Writing— How do we cover sports when we can’t cover every game? What is a great photo?
5) Photography— I just take selfies. How do I take an artistic, interesting photo that enhances my story or is even a story by itself? What other tools can I use to make my photos more appealing?
6) Advertising and marketing — We need a broader readership. What can we do to make ourselves known in the community?
7) Graphic Design — Part of the appeal of a website is its appearance. Using Adobe CS, we will design advertising or other graphic elements to help improve reader appeal.
For more information , contact Lois Walker, [email protected], or [email protected].

I’m the adviser of The Blackman Voice. My hobbies include reading, traveling, biking, hiking, and photography. I love mystery movies and rom coms. My...