Do you have any idea what you want to do after high school is over? The ACT plays a large role in keeping your options open and determining what you do. After four years of practicing and taking this test multiple times, I am qualified to tell you all about this exam.
According to the website, they say that their exam is as “curriculum-based education and career planning tool for high school students that assesses the mastery of college readiness standards.”
I would say that The ACT is a test that tells you what you have learned from your first years of high school, not determines who you are or how successful you will be. For many students, this exam is important for them to be able to get into competitive universities. The more competitive and prestigious college, the higher score they may require. For some students, Trade School or community college may be a worthy option. With no required ACT score, students can still get a valuable education and become successful. While this test is very important, do not feel torn if you struggle with its curriculum.
To prepare for this exam, you must know what it contains. It is multiple choice test that focuses on four main areas of learning: English, Math, Reading and Science. It is separated into four timed portions. English is 45 minutes with 75 questions, Math is 60 questions in 60 minutes and Reading and Science both have 35 questions to complete in 40 minutes. Do not let these numbers intimidate you. The goal is not to get every question correct because it is likely you do not remember every single topic on the test. Many of the questions can be answered using context clues and familiarity with the topic. Finding a tutor or viewing the practice exams offered on The ACT website will offer insight into how to answer the questions and what you need to refresh your mind on.
The test is scored on a scale of 1-36. 36 being the highest a student can receive and is very rare. Latest updated in 2024, the average ACT of a student in Tennessee is around 19. ( ) It is good to strive for a 36 but be proud of the effort you put in more than anything. The test is about strategy and understanding. The best thing you can do is learn how to answer the questions and prepare yourself before you take the ACT. Taking it in early high school is a quality decision because you have learned almost all of the material by Sophomore year. Taking it many times gives you more opportunities to master the test.
The ACT can determine your acceptance into a college, but it also determines how much money the school will give you in scholarship dollars. If you are considering going to university, the ACT plays an important role in avoiding money loss and debt. Every school is different, but most will have a chart that shows how much money you will be awarded based on your ACT score and GPA. The higher your scores, the more money will be rewarded.
Whether you know what you want to do after high school or not, it is in your best interest to try your hardest on the ACT to give yourself as many opportunities as possible.