‘The Comeback’ – Homecoming 2021 schedule
Stationary Parade – 9:00-10:30
Students will be released to walk and view the parade floats, and once their group finishes, they will return to class. Students will be dismissed to walk through the displays by hallway. They will return to class once they finish, and the next hallway will be released.
- 9:00 – E/F Hallways
- 9:20 – C/D Hallways
- 9:40 – G Hallway
- 10:00 – A/B Hallways
Blaze Bash – 10:45-1:05
Food booths will be located at the outside area behind the main gym.
- 1st Lunch – 10:45-11:20
- 2nd Lunch – 11:20-11:55
- 3rd Lunch – 11:55-12:30
- 4th Lunch – 12:30-1:05
Games – 1:30-3:00
These events will be occurring at the said time. Each event has a different color-coded ticket. There are capacity limits for each event. Tickets will be sold at the Bookstore during all four lunches throughout the week and Friday morning outside the cafeteria.
- Powder Puff Football – Football Stadium
- Kickball – Baseball Fields
- 3 v 3 Basketball – Main Gym
- Volleyball – Auxiliary Gym
- Variety Show – Auditorium
- Movie – Science Lecture Room
Pep Rally – 3:00-3:30
Football Players, Football/Basketball Cheer Leaders, Band, and Dance will walk through the building cheering and playing music.
Dress up days
Monday – Decades day (80s, 90s, 2000s)
Tuesday – Come Together (Band shirts)
Wednesday – Movie day (Pajamas)
Thursday – Sports day (Jerseys/athletes)
Friday – Blackman Pride (Blue and orange)
Greg Jones, head JV baseball coach, gave Homecoming instructions and information in a YouTube video on BSPN.

Marciana Johnson is a senior at Blackman and this is her third year in journalism. She is Sports editor and also the Senior Class President. She...

Maia O’Brien is a senior, and this is her third year in journalism. She is the editor-in-chief. In addition to working for The Blackman Voice, she is...