I dare you to donate
Seadorf’s Titlewish book challenge to BHS and the community
Do you want to see Brian Seadorf, BHS librarian, run drills with the softball team or hold a snake? If so, now is your opportunity.
Blackman librarians have set up a fundraiser for BHS, which essentially gives back to the students as well. In return for donating money to the library, Seadorf has agreed to do crazy dares, depending on the amount of money raised.
Seadorf is completely fine with doing these dares, and he is actually excited.
“I’m willing to do crazy things. So, the challenges were created. I’m fine with dying my hair MTSU blue. The snake? I now see that I should have bumped that to a higher dollar amount because Roscoe was scary to me. I didn’t care for that at all. I’m willing to push myself physically to make money for the library, so drills and bear crawls will be fun. I’ll also talk a lot of trash while doing them. The final one with the CDC class? I see them once per week when I do read aloud in the library. Those are my kids. So, knowing that they will enjoy throwing a pie or silly-stringing me? Priceless.” said Seadorf.
Between April 12– 25, the library will be taking donations online, going 100 percent towards buying new books.
Online donations make it even easier for students and teachers to donate.
“I had read about the Titlewish fundraiser from the book company Follett, who also works our catalog. I liked how Titlewish was an easy, online fundraiser that was strictly donations, and it was very similar to DonorsChoose. But I liked that 100% of the money goes to our account to buy books. Every year, we have a cut list of books that we don’t have enough money to buy. Well, this fundraiser helps us to get those great books,” stated Seadorf.
Seadorf says that donating will ultimately benefit students, replace lost books, and even help the library stay on top of state guidelines.
“There are several purposes for us attempting the Titlewish fundraiser: we always want to get new books for the students of Blackman High. That’s our main purpose – to help our students find themselves on the shelf. We lost $700 worth of library books due to the pandemic shutdown. I’ll be honest: state guidelines say that we are to try to average 12 books per student for a good library. At the moment, we are at about 7. So, any bump up in books helps us with those guidelines,” stated Seadorf.
The goal, described as “lofty” by Seadorf, is $5000. Although this may seem like a lot, the more money that is raised, the crazier the dares get.
For example, if the library receives $1000, Seadorf will eat three super-hot wings provided by BHS culinary. If they reach $5000, he will receive a pie in the face by the CDC class!

The library is already up to at least $1000, as Seadorf ate the hot wings on April 15, broadcasting the video on the Twitter page. Let’s just say those were truly some HOT wings! #GoBlaze
Seadorf will be posting the videos of these dares on the library’s twitter page.
Donating any amount of money also means that Follett, one of BHS’s main partners in providing books, will give 10 percent of total donations back to the school. Ultimately, donating money gives back to the students and school completely, with no hassle, as donating is completely online.
If you are interested in donating, you can do so at this link: https://www.titlewish.com/preview/1093735. You can also find the link on Blackman’s main webpage.

I’m a senior, and my pronouns are she/her. My hobbies include calligraphy, writing, and art. My favorite movie is Legally Blonde, and I enjoy listening...