Halloween 2020: a trick or treat?
From spooky scary skeletons to social distancing, Halloween in 2020 is sure to provide a fright. Whether you are staying home, which is advised, or going out, there are guidelines to be followed.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you need to stay at least six feet away from others who don’t live with you. It is also smart to bring hand sanitizer to use after touching any objects or other people.
Upon returning home, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after you eat any treats. It is also advised to wear a cloth mask as part of your costume. A costume mask is not the same as a cloth mask and is not a substitute for one.
Furthermore, wearing a costume mask over a cloth mask can and will make breathing more difficult. Children under the age of two, or anyone with respiratory issues, do not need to wear a cloth or costume mask.
If you are staying home and handing out candy, it is recommended to give the treats outdoors, or even in individually wrapped baggies at stations to prevent any direct contact with Trick-or-Treaters. Be sure to wear a cloth mask and wash your hands as well.
For those who are wanting to celebrate the spooky holiday while avoiding large group gatherings, you can easily just decorate your home. Carving pumpkins with household members is one of many ways to enjoy Halloween. Another way is to walk around your neighborhood to admire the decorations.
If you are going out on Halloween night, check with the safety guidelines of where you are going before heading out; also, check the CDC’s guidelines as well.
Some other great ideas of celebrating All Hollow’s Eve include going to orchards, mazes, or even scavenger hunts. Places such as Creepy Hollow Haunted Woods, Walden Farm and Dead Land Haunted Woods are just a few of the attractions still open. For more
places to go near you, you can check websites such as:
You can also hold costume parades or contests with your family members or friends. Even just grabbing that hot pumpkin spiced latte from your nearest coffee shop and throwing in a spooky movie can be thrilling.

My name is Matt Taylor, and I'm a Junior. My main goal in life is to be able to die knowing I won't be forgotten. I want to have a lasting impact on society,...