President Trump’s extended travel ban
The first travel ban was put in place by President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13769, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. This ban was politically named the “Muslim ban” because the countries banned were predominantly Muslim populated.
The included countries in the initial ban were Iran, Somalia, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. The countries are home to most of the Muslim population. In addition, North Korea and Venezuela were included in this ban but are an exception to the well-known “Muslim ban” nickname.
On February 21, 2020, the Trump administration made the decision to expand this preexisting travel ban. The expansion is to six African countries, which has made it quickly nicknamed the “African ban.” The citizens from the African countries of Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania can still visit the US; however, most will be unable to settle here permanently.
Citizens from these countries can still attain temporary visas, such as those for foreign workers, tourists, and students. These countries are barred from participating in the diversity visa lottery, though, where 55,000 citizens of countries with low levels of immigration can settle in the US annually. Refugees and preexisting visa holders are not affected.
The Trump administration has argued all these countries pose threats to the US national security constructed on the findings of various government agencies. The administration has cited terrorist activity, failure of these countries to properly document their own travelers, and inadequate efforts to cooperate and share information with U.S. authorities as their justification for the expanded ban. Since President Trump has a history of seeking to discriminate against African immigrants, this ban was already expected. On 11 January 2018, during an Oval Office talk with senators, Trump asked, “Why are we having all these people from [word redacted] countries come here,” stated in the NBC news January 10, 2018.
This vulgar comment about African countries is an example of why many consider this ban to be based on more racism than the nation’s safety. This consideration is also based on the lack of an apology for his vulgar comment while meeting with the Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari. President Trump stated these countries are “very tough places to live” instead of an outright apology. On the supporting side, these countries do contain various domestic wars, different terrorist individuals have inhabited most of them, and some of their governments are considered corrupt because of such things like the Nigerian fraud scams. So, these could be other reasons for the new expanded ban.
“I don’t think this expanded ban is necessary for the safety of the United States. These countries are not a national security threat, and I feel like the Trump administration is generalizing third world type countries, which is not fair since it seems its based-on actions of very few people. This decision is just going to make America seem more ignorant internationally,” stated Claire Harvie, sophomore.
There has not been much news publicized about how these African countries pose a serious threat to the United States’ safety, so this decision is not the easiest to understand.
“Personally, I disagree with this expansion because it is racially motivated, and the courts have stated the decision is based on racism. These countries are not a national security threat because the
individuals who move here are seeking a better life. Most from these African countries are running from threat; if they were a security threat, the United States has a huge background check system in place. America and President Trump are not improving their international or national representation with this; however, the poll numbers will most likely stay the same during his reelection campaign because his base supports him nevertheless,” stated Michele Giacobbi, AP government teacher. The more knowledge of both sides, both opposition and the agreeing party, can help when deciding one’s opinion about certain decisions.
“I don’t support it because the decision is ruining people’s future since these people just want have a better life. These countries are not a national security threat, especially since [Trump] stated they are a national security threat and no reasoning for why. America looks very ignorant right now because of this and other past unjustified decisions. President Trump looks the same in my opinion and the same people who have supported him will continue, same as the people who haven’t,” Antonio Malone, junior.
The lack of information the Trump administration has given is the justified reasoning for some of the student body feeling as if these type decisions are unnecessary.

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