Midterm exam study tips

Exams, homework, and tests bombard students every step they take. Students in high school have exceedingly high levels of stress, and exam season just increases it. 

One of the best ways to avoid being stressed as a student is to spread out your studying. If you only study the night before your exam, you will feel overwhelmed. It is best to schedule out your study time in order to review all of your notes in time for your exam. 

When reviewing your notes, it is especially helpful to rewrite them in different words. After transcribing your notes, highlight important information that you think is most likely to show up on the test. 

If you are studying for a subject like math, it helps to work problems of the concepts you did not understand. While studying for a subject such as English, however, it helps to review vocabulary words and key terms. 

The biggest mistake people can make while studying for exams is using your phone. It distracts you from the topic at hand and you can end up remembering the wrong thing. It is best to keep your phone in another room or away from you with sound and vibrations off. 

A few apps that can prove useful to studying, however, are Quizlet, Quizizz, Kahoot, and even Duolingo if you are studying for your language class. If you use these apps, it is easy to get distracted by your social media, but most phones allow a social media lock to either be turned on or installed. With that lock, you can concentrate more on studying and less on social media. 

Most of the time music helps people concentrate, and you can associate certain topics or phrases with a song. If you listen to music while you study, listen to an instrumental version, so you are not distracted by the lyrics. If it does not help you concentrate, just turn it off. 

Studies have proved that your brain can only absorb information during the first and last 15 minutes of studying. For this reason, it is best to take a break from studying every 30 minutes. After each break, switch what subject you are studying. It is best to break up your studying for different subjects this way, rather than concentrating on multiple subjects during the 30 minutes. 

Finally, study the night before your exam and the morning of, and always study in a quiet place without many distractions.