thank u, next by Ariana Grande: Album Review
Pop princess Ariana Grande endured a lot during the year 2018. From releasing her album Sweetener, to losing long time ex-boyfriend Mac Miller, and calling off her engagement to Pete Davidson. She went into 2019 with nothing but high hopes and determination. Only 5 months after the release of Sweetener, she has released a full-length album titled thank u, next.
Imagine– One of the three singles released before the actual album. The song has become vastly popular for the whistle tones that Grande did in the song, showing off her amazing vocal range. The song describes an imaginary scenario where everything in a relationship is perfect.
Needy– This is one of the more introspective songs on the album. In this track, Grande describes a few of her habits in detail, admitting that although she can be rowdy and outgoing, at the end of the day she longs for love.
NASA- By far one of the more upbeat songs on the album. This song is more of an independent girl’s anthem. “You know I’m a star, space, Imma need space,” Grande sings, saying that although she’s in a relationship, she still needs her own time and space without her lover.
Bloodline– Another pop independence anthem. This time the singer talks about not wanting someone in her life. Saying that she doesn’t need a man in her life to be complete. “I ain’t lookin’ for a one true love, that ship sailed away”
Fake Smile– Grande went for a different type of vibe on this song. In this mental health bop, Grande talks about how she’s tired of living behind fake smiles and how she plans to start showing the world the real parts of her life, including the hard ones.
Bad Idea– In this song, Grande expresses her inner thoughts more explicitly then in the previous songs on the album. She laments about having an idea that goes against what she would usually do, but how she’s willing to throw caution to the wind in order to have a good time.
Make up– This is the shortest song on the album and for good reason. “My energy and attitude don’t really coincide, I’m stayin’ mad all day so we can let it out tonight.” Even though the instrumentals sound sweet and innocent, the lyrics lead to something more.
Ghostin– Songs like these can make you do one of two things: cry your eyes out or make you realize a lot of things. In this song, Grande really hits home on her personal vendettas. “I know you hear me when I cry, I try to hold it in at night.” The song has a message that needs to be heard, especially to a young audience.
In my head– The imagery in this song is spot on with how Ariana pictured Pete Davidson, her ex-fiance. With the way the lyrics flow together, it makes you feel like you’re in her head. “My imagination’s too creative, They see demon, I see angel.”
7 rings– With the sweet sounds from the famous song” My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music, the song instantly catches your attention. The song brings attention to the ‘treat yourself’ mentality in the current time. Grande goes into detail, talking about all of the things she enjoys spending her money on.
Thank u, next– Grande did it right whenever she thought of this song idea. The song is encompassed with all of Ariana’s boyfriend’s that the media made a big deal out of. With this empowering song comes Grande’s determination to let negative out the door.
Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored– Though this song doesn’t have a very positive meaning, it is still a great song. The hard truth is that people can relate to this song. Grande displays that there is more than just the sweet, innocent girl from Victorious.

Self-proclaimed connoisseur of good music, chai tea enthusiast, rugby player, and heartbreaker. P.S I don't actually break hearts.