Changes with TNReady: Is it For The Better?

As many already know, TNReady testing didn’t go as planned last year. Our principal, Dr. Justus, explains what went wrong with testing, but what also went right.  

“We had multiple technical issues with the online testing to the point where the integrity of the testing situation was not good, there were interruptions, things would close down, and half a test would show up,” stated Dr. Justus.  

Some of the interruptions involved Dr. Justus having to talk to students while testing.  

“I had to go in and talk to student while others were testing and that’s a distraction,” stated Dr. Justus.  

While there were many things that went wrong during testing, there were some successes.  

“Our students did well on some of the tests that were scored and in fact it put us up near the top of the county in almost every category that we ended up scoring,” stated Dr. Justus.  

It may seem testing is forever away, but it will be here before any of us know it. Although not many, there are a couple changes to testing this year.  

Testing will be online again this year. The administration of TNReady are working on “improving technology readiness” to provide smooth testing this year. They are also improving reducing overall testing time for student. Part of this includes having no English 3 or chemistry EOC this year.  

More on English, subparts 3 and 4 for the English 1 and 2 tests have combined to one subpart, equaling 3 subparts all together.  

“Everything else is pretty much the same but could change at any time,” stated vice principal Tim Pedigo.  

Let us all hope for a smooth, successful end of the year exam.  Like last year, us Blackman students should try our best for great TNReady scores.