BHS Launches New Website

If you have been on the school’s website, you may have noticed the major change in its layout.

Rutherford County has introduced the new format to all 46 schools in the district.

This new program makes it easier for parents to see what’s happening in their child’s classes and contacting their teachers.

“Edlio allows schools to create and maintain webpages in an online platform. These websites permit parents and students to subscribe to teacher’s pages, teacher’s calendars, school calendars and district calendars in order to stay better informed about assignments and events,” said Holly Hunter, instructional technology coach.

The new website is compatible with mobile devices and optimizes the appearance of the site.

“I do like the idea that parents and students can subscribe to [teachers] see our daily emails about what’s due and what their doing today. I’m hoping that my kids will jump on the band wagon next year since that’s the first thing they’ll learn about,” said Jennifer Waite, English teacher.

There will soon be a mobile app for IOS and Android to accommodate the website’s updates that will allow parents, teachers, and students to communicate and keep up with assignments.