In this world, there are 8 billion people, which is almost enough to cover the surface area of Alaska. Each of these people in the world are worthy and valuable. Each year, over 720,000 of these valuable people, choose to commit suicide. ( ) In America alone, 45,183 people die from suicide and 1.7 million attempts, putting the US average at 132 suicides per day. Constantly, we are losing people. According to the National Institue of Mental Health, suicide is the second leading cause of death for kids aged 10-14 and 25-34.,Suicide%20is%20a%20Leading%20Cause%20of%20Death%20in%20the%20United,there%20were%20homicides%20(26%2C031).
Although the world has become more aware of the issue at hand, it is still often ignored and continues to negatively affect our community. It is a sore and sensitive topic that many refuse to acknowledge.
There are many ways to advocate and show support for those suffering. Many foundations and fundraisers have been created with the effort to bring awareness. One of the largest and most impactful is the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention.
The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention is an organization created in 1987 that raises money around the world to fund research and educate the people about mental health and suicide prevention. They advocate for public policies that will ultimately benefit those affected by the issue and bring awareness. There are many people who survive an attempt or get close to attempting. Those people are not seen enough, and they deserve the opportunity to improve their life and heal. The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention is one of many organizations that helps those who are suffering, heal and make the world a better place.
Suicide is directly associated with mental health. 90% of those who have committed suicide have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. (,at%20the%20time%20of%20death). There are many people who struggle with thoughts of self-harm that have undiagnosed issues that may never receive the resources needed. Mental health help is not easily accessible in many areas, In Tennessee, 84% of communities did not have enough mental health providers to serve suffering residents, according to federal guidelines. ( ) Over the years, we have improved this issue, yet there is always room to grow.
You never know what is going on in someone else’s life and what may be happening behind the curtains. It is important to be kind to others and never take for granted what is in front of you. Make friends, be open minded, be kind, lend a hand, give a compliment. A little can go a long way for those in need. Building a support system and creating a healthy mindset is the key to a happy life. Never be afraid to reach out because there are people that love and care about you. There may be someone in the hallway that sees you every day, and they would hurt to not see your face again. Each and every person is special and cared for. It will be okay.
If you are struggling and don’t know who to contact, call the Suicide Crisis Lifeline- 988. You are not alone.