Blackman High School promotes a healthy and exciting environment, especially when it comes to our school spirit. When it comes to our pep rallies, the notch gets turned up to max and we have our most fun.
On Aug 23, we had our first pep rally of the 2024-25 school year. It was quite an invigorating event to say the least; classes joined together, screaming with pride, funky outfits, and spirit filled signs. The blue and orange colors wrap the gymnasium’s walls and seats, noise fills the room, which can be heard all around.
Members of the senior class, Rylan Selvidge and Robert Fitzsimmons, give their input on winning the spirit stick and the pep rally overall.
Selvidge said, “Our class chant was one of the best, but as a whole, we all did very well. The underclassmen surprised us and managed to do an amazing job.”
It is always great to see everyone putting in their effort, no matter the age!
Fitzsimmons added on, “The senior class earned the spirit stick with all the participation and effort from everyone that went in to making it so successful. Doing something no class has done, the Blaze Boys wearing blue and orange overalls to show our pride.”
Our Blaze Boys are such a great part of our student section and do a wonderful job at leading the senior class with spirit and excitement.
We always have our exhilarating class game competition that our own students and faculty compete in. Charleigh Ann Catron, senior, competed in the intense game of ‘punt the pom-pom through teachers’ arms’ and won!
Catron stated, “It is very much a full circle moment because my sophomore year, we played the same game during a pep rally and won. We come back our senior year to play and win again.”
It is quite bittersweet and a happy moment for many. Moments like those will be held onto even after high school is all done, and it will give you something to reflect upon. It is always an enjoyable and memorable time in the gym, packed in, bringing out competitiveness and excitement. The community and family that Blackman is makes every pep rally and celebration special. Go Blaze!