Blackman girl’s soccer completes first year under new head coach Emily Harris

The pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, including sports. This year our Lady Blaze not only had to deal with new school policies but also with having a new head coach.  

Mrs. Emily Harris didn’t consider coaching at first. Even with uncertainty, Coach Emily Harris has not only helped the girls improve their game, but she has also helped them build their soccer community and build a stronger team connection. 

“[Coach Harris} makes it apparent that she is always there for us. I believe she is going to improve our soccer program greatly and am so happy she came to coach us.” said Abi McWilliams, senior. 

At the beginning of the year, Harris made her standards for her team clear,  

“My biggest goal with this group of girls is to help them establish a family environment where everyone belongs and feels a part of something special. I think we started that foundation this year, but we will definitely be caring it on to next year.”  

  Coach Harris isn’t the only one with these goals. Her team had the same image in mind for this year’s team. 

 “As a team, we’ve definitely come together this year. Last year, it wasn’t the best, but this year we’ve definitely come together and created a team culture,” said Allyson Hawkins, sophomore. 

Harris has helped bring the true spirit of Blackman into her players. She has adopted the Blackman way and has taught her players the true meaning of the game. 

 “I am enjoying coaching more than I even thought I would! I have found that being around the sport and young women who share my passion for it has helped to heal the hole that ‘hanging up my cleats’ left. However, it is not just about the game. I feel an overwhelming amount of joy being involved in these incredible young ladies’ lives. Perhaps the most joy comes from the thought that I could somehow have a sliver of impact on the lives of these young women. I am just thankful that I have been given such an opportunity.”  

She doesn’t regret her decision one bit.