Governor’s School opportunities for students
The state of Tennessee provides the opportunity to attend a Governor’s School for rising juniors or seniors.
Governor’s School is a program of study that takes place during the summer at varying college campuses. This program can allow students to grow and explore new topics of interest.
While attending a Governor’s School, students may work with gifted peers, professors, scientists, historians, authors, leaders from around the world, and more.
Claire Harvie, junior, attended the Governor’s School of International Studies in June 2020.
“The workload was heavy, but it was very interesting, and they spoke on important topics such as climate change, Israel and Palestine conflict, and injustices across the world. I also got to meet a lot of interesting and motivated people, and it was a great opportunity for me to meet people with common interests and the same work ethic as me,” stated Harvie.
Attending may increase chances of a scholarship for college and will be beneficial to add to a resume. You will also be awarded college credit hours, obtaining between 1 to 7 hours.
Governor’s Schools for the Non-Arts include: Computational Physics, Humanities, Emerging Technologies, International Studies, The Sciences and Engineering, Prospective Teachers, Agricultural Sciences, Business Innovation and Technology, Scientific Exploration of Tennessee Heritage, and Integration of Biological and Statistical Sciences.
Governor’s School for the Arts (GSFTA) take place at Middle Tennessee State University, and includes Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Dance, Film, Theatre, and Visual Arts.
All programs take place at various campuses across Tennessee. Students will stay four weeks in a dorm on campus during the month of June. However, some schools may use a virtual program because of COVID-19.
Applications to attend require student and parent sections, two teacher recommendations, a counselor recommendation and transcript, and may or may not require essays and/or a resume. GSFTA requires an audition or portfolio.
Applications for the GSFTA will be due to Courtney Gregory or the Spectrum office by Monday, November 16. The deadline for all other applications is December 15. Applications can be found in the counseling office or at
For further questions, contact Courtney Gregory at [email protected].

I’m a senior, and my pronouns are she/her. My hobbies include calligraphy, writing, and art. My favorite movie is Legally Blonde, and I enjoy listening...