Blackman Bowling: A Close to The Season


Blackman High School’s bowling team had pulled out another win as their season comes to an end. The bowlers have won their third region title and their fourth district title. This is also the third time in the last three years they have made it to state.  

“We were very happy, I mean, we’re always the little underdog team. When we can go in and beat a team with a lot of subs, we are always happy” Stated bowling coach Michele Giacobbi. 

Being an underestimated team, they have numerous troubles and difficulties during the season, from finding players, to scheduling issues, to individual players’ problems.  

The team consists of the minimum number of players needed or, occasionally, one extra, but they never have more than that. 

They are also constantly juggling schools, work, and bowling every day. 

“I always kind of felt like I was in catch up in my seventh period because I have Spanish. Going to bowling and having to worry about what I missed. Having to go home and text people” stated Jacob Berry, junior. 

According to the players, the teachers were not understanding of their schedules sometimes. They will often tell the bowlers that they are on their own with their make-up work. 

“Keeping up with school, work, and bowling was really hard for me” stated Jessica Broh, senior. 

Besides the struggles they endure, the team has come out with a lot of wins, lessons and friendships they didn’t expect.  

“I spoke to people out of my comfort zone. I don’t think I would’ve ever spoke to people like that otherwise” stated senior Sarah Sanes who has signed with Arkansas State Bowling 

Some senior bowlers agreed that they wouldn’t have made friends with other freshmen, sophomores, or juniors if it wasn’t for bowling.  

“There are people that you become friends with on the bowling team that you never thought you would become friends with, ever” stated Jessica. 

Next year, however, multiple seniors are leaving, and the team is going to struggle, yet again, with finding players.  

“With our senior girls leaving, we’ll be lucky to even have a girls’ team next year” stated Baileigh Snow, junior, 

There are going to be a lot of students going to Rockvale as well, which will cut down the number of players even more. It’s not just the girls, though. The guys’ team struggles finding players too. 

“For the guys side, it’s kind of hard because the next guy that’s pretty good is leaving, and now we really don’t have a lot on the team” stated Jacob. 

In the end it is always good to finish up the season with a win.  

“I felt good because I’m a senior, so it was good to end off the year with a few wins” stated Sarah. 

Along with those wins, Baileigh Snow has been nominated for Bowler of the Year Finalist Tennessean, and Sarah Sanes has been nominated as Miss Bowler for the second time; her first time being as a freshman.  

“I felt proud and happy because it was my senior year” stated Sarah. 

As the season wrapped up, many of the senior bowlers plan to take their athletic careers to college. A few undecided players are Ryley Perez, and Evan Osbourne. These bowlers plan to bowl in college, but they do not know where they plan to go. Another senior bowler, Sarah Sanes has signed with Arkansas State Bowling. 

“I’m excited to move on to the next point because I’m bowling in college” stated Sarah. 

The juniors, sophomores, and freshmen are carrying the bowling team on and preparing for another season next year with even more wins.