A Real-life Opportunity for Seniors

Danielle Paredes

More stories from Danielle Paredes

This is an event open to any senior wishing to participate

Being a senior means being a step closer to becoming an adult. Graduating from high school is a transition from one point in your life to another. Getting yourself out there and involved is a way to get a foot up in this society and form connections with others. That’s why Rutherford Works has put together an event to give graduating seniors a taste of the real world. 

The Senior Hiring Event is an opportunity for seniors to meet with employers who are willing to hire students for summer, part-time, and full-time positions after conducting interviews with them. Nine Rutherford County high schools will travel to Blackman High on April 10th from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in hopes to be hired on the spot.  

The participating companies will range from childcare to informational technology. To learn more information about the companies, click here: goo.gl/G6GWNN. There are also preparatory workshops varying from resume building, personal branding, dress for success, and many more. 

Many find this event will open the door to the adult world and experience the workplace firsthand. It gives students a chance to deal with real-life situations without someone holding their hand. 

“It allows them to get a taste of what it’s like to be in the adult world and having to take on new experiences for yourself without the help of your parents or authority figures,” Jolie Goin, senior, stated. 

She also finds the event to be fair since “these interviews are based solely on their qualifications and attitude.” 

Take a step out of your comfort zone, and start taking risks. Only then will you be able to learn and grow through your own experiences and discover what the modern-day workplace is like!