Deep Question of the Week

This week, we asked Blackman High students to answer a deep, meaningful question: Do you believe that Blackman High School has prepared you for life outside of high school?

We received various answers, some saying yes, and some saying no.

Samantha Udell, senior, says she believes she is prepared for the real world.

“I think Blackman has prepared me for life outside of high school because of the classes I have taken. The work load has prepared me for studying, making good grades, and my own personal experiences.”

Blackman definitely makes sure that students are prepared for college and the amount of work load they will receive.

While some students feel completely confident in leaving high school, some feel as though they have not been completely prepared.

Ty Montgomery, senior, explained to us on why she feels like she has not been prepared for the real world.

“I feel like Blackman High School has not completely prepared me for life outside of it because I feel like I’m only taught to take tests, and I’m never taught to deal with real life situations. They always tell you not to do [certain] things, but they never give you the reasons why, so I feel like we should have more realistic classes that can involve you in real life situations.”

Both of these answers were valid explanations. While you may feel completely prepared for test taking and completing homework, do you feel like you would be prepared if you were to get in a car accident or have to open up a bank account?

This is definitely something to think about. If you don’t feel prepared, talk to someone. Your guidance counselor or your parents are great examples of people you can ask if you have a question about your future or what to do after you graduate.