Girls Bowling Places in State Tournament
After a long and hard fought season, the journey of the Blackman Bowling team has come to an end.
Earning a spot in the competition is proof of their hard work and perseverance. There, the team faced tough competition and were defeated.
The girls team placed fifth overall at state and had a final season record of 18-3-1. The team finished higher than any other team in Blackman history, and the individuals stood out as well.
Baileigh Snow, freshman bowler, ended as the state runner-up. She was overjoyed about the team’s performance.
“Our goal was to make it to state, and that is exactly what we did, as a team. I am proud of how we set a goal and accomplished it,” stated Snow.
Sarah Sanes, sophomore bowler, also placed at state, finishing ninth.
“We had a great season. It’s the first time we’ve ever made it to state, so I’m proud,” stated Sanes.
Both girls expressed how pleased they were with the team achievements this year, along with their own. Two other Lady Blaze Bowlers placed as well: Erika Sisk, junior, took sixth and Kayla Berry, senior, took 36th.
Of course the team would have loved to compete in the state finals, but the Blackman community is still extremely proud of the girls and their success.
“The girls worked so hard and gave their best effort. The final score of the match was separated by just 30 pins out of 5400+ thrown,” said Michele Giacobbi, bowling coach.
Their last match was clearly a close one, and Giacobbi is nothing but proud of what the girls team has done this season. They exceeded expectations.
The boys team did not advance to the state tournament. However, they did place fourth in the district, and Jacob Berry, freshman, was 72nd overall.

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