Fitness Myths

When trying to become fit and live a healthy life, there are many rumors that may keep you from your goals. Here are just a few:

1) “If you do crunches, you will get abs.”

* This is not necessarily true. You earn abs by doing interval training, utilizing carbs, getting the right amount of sleep, and keeping your stress levels low.

2) “The more you sweat, the more you burn.”

* Sweat has nothing to do with the amount that you burn. Sweat is simply a response that keeps your skin cool in order to maintain your body temperature.

3) “More gym time is better.”

* Your body needs time to recover. Working out every day could cause injuries because it keeps your muscles from resting, causing your body not to improve.

4) “No pain, no gain.”

* When working out after not doing it in a while or trying a new workout plan, chances are that this will cause soreness. This is considered a good thing. However, if the soreness lasts more than 48 hours, you have overdone it and should consider taking some time off to heal.

5) “Carbs are the cause of fat.”

* Although too much fat causes obesity, carbs are not the blame for this problem. The cause is a lack of eating healthy food and lack of exercising.